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Things That Can Damage Your Pet's Teeth

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Dental hygiene is extremely important for both humans and pets. Just like with people, neglecting your pet's teeth can lead to a lot of serious health problems down the road. Here are two things that are particularly harmful to your pet's teeth.

Sugary Treats 

Pets love treats, and there's no denying that sugary snacks can be a real treat for them. However, like humans, pets can suffer from tooth decay and gum disease if they consume too much sugar. The bacteria in their mouth feed on the sugar, producing acids that can damage tooth enamel and lead to cavities.

In addition, the sugars in sticky treats can cling to the teeth, providing a breeding ground for bacteria. Over time, this can result in inflamed gums and bad breath. For these reasons, it's important to limit your pet's intake of sugary treats and make sure they brush their teeth regularly. 

If you're looking for a healthy alternative to sugary treats, consider giving your pet some raw vegetables or fruits instead. These are not only good for their teeth but they're also packed with nutrients that can help keep your pet healthy overall.

Hard Chews 

Though all dog owners want what's best for their furry friend, many don't realize the importance of chew toys - and the dangers of hard chews. 

Chews come in all shapes, sizes, and hardness, but it's the hard chews that can do the most damage to your pet's teeth. As your dog gnaws on a hard chew, the pressure can cause tiny cracks to form in the enamel. Over time, these cracks can deepen and lead to serious dental problems. 

Hard chews can also cause gum irritation and inflammation. If your dog has ever had bloody gums after chewing, it's likely due to the gum line being receded by the hard object. 

So, what's a pet owner to do? The answer is simple: provide your furry friend with safe, soft chews that won't damage their teeth. There are plenty of options on the market, so take some time to find one your dog loves. Your pet will thank you for it — and you can rest easy knowing their teeth are healthy.

As a pet owner, you need to know what can damage your pet's teeth. By taking the necessary steps to avoid these dangers, you can help keep your pet's smile healthy and bright. If you have concerns about your pet's dental health, talk to your veterinarian. They can advise you on the best course of action to take.

Contact a pet dental care service to find out more for the benefit of your pet. 
